In the quaint village of Myrtia, also known as Varvari, lies a treasure trove dedicated to one of Greece’s literary giants, Nikos Kazantzakis. Founded in 1983, the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum stands as a beacon for those seeking to delve into the life and works of the author who brought us the iconic “Zorba, the Greek.” Our visit to this museum Read more…
Nestled within the historically rich walls of “Palazzo d’Ittar,” a Venetian gem in the bustling heart of Heraklion, lies a gateway to the past that resonates with the echoes of innovation—The Kotsanas Museum of Ancient Greek Technology. Our visit to this unique institution was not just a journey back in time but an enlightening voyage that bridged millennia, revealing the Read more…
Just a kilometer north of the quaint village of Prinias, atop the commanding heights of Patela Hill, lies the ancient town of Rizinia, a site that whispers tales of civilizations past. Our journey to this historical gem began with a scenic walk along a path that gradually revealed the ruins of a world that once thrived here from as early Read more…
Nestled on the bustling 25th August Street, amidst the vibrant café culture of Heraklion Town, stands the majestic Agios Titos Cathedral, a beacon of spiritual history and architectural beauty. Our visit to this iconic landmark was both an enlightening and awe-inspiring experience, offering a deep dive into the layered religious history of Crete. A Byzantine Legacy Reborn Our journey through Read more…